Thursday, July 28, 2011

AKHBAR IS ANWA'R - Battle of Badr

The outcome of the Battle of Badr was a humiliating defeat for the polytheists and a manifest victory for the Muslims. 14 Muslims were martyred of whom six were from Emigrants and eight form Helpers. The Makkans suffered heavy causalities in spite of their superior numbers and strength. 70 were killed and like number taken prisoners. Many of the principal men of Makkah, and some of bitterest enemy of Muhammad (SA) were among the slain. Chief of this was Abu Jahl.

On the third day after the battle, Muhammad (SA) stood over the bodies of 24 leaders of Quraish, who had been thrown into one of the wells, and started to call them by name and by the names of their fathers, saying – " Would it not have been much better for you, if you had obeyed Allah and His Messenger ? Behold, we have found that our Lord's Promise do come true, did you (also) find that the promises of your lord come true?"

The Makkans fled in great disorder and the news was met with incredible bewilderment. Abu Sufyan gave Abu Lahab the full account of the disgraceful defeat, with the role that the angels played in bringing about the tragic end. A confrontation with a Muslim woman, led Abu Lahab to be hit on his head with a log, which cracked his head. Seven days later he died of a worst kind of ulcer and was left for 3 days unburied. His sons, however, for fear of shameful rumors, drove him to a pit and keeping their safe distance, hurled stones and dust at him. This is how the bitterest enemy of Muhammad (SA) met his end.


The Anwa'r in this Akhbar is that although the leading polytheists, who carried rancor and immense hatred for Muhammad (SA)were killed, Nabi Muhammad (SA) had come as Rehmat ul A'lemeen.

It is for this reason that although the 24 polytheists had been killed, their bodies cast into the well, Muhammad (SA)is not rejoicing as other Conquerors of the world would have rejoiced, he feels that had they listened to his Message, they would have been saved from hell fire. The victory over the hearts of man, to bring the wayward to see reason and Light, to emancipate humanity, was the primary aim of Nabi (SA)

It is for this reason that he started to call them by name and by the names of their fathers, saying – " Would it not have been much better for you, if you had obeyed Allah and His Messenger ? Behold, we have found that our Lord's Promise do come true,
did you (also) find that the promises of your lord come true?

Knowledge of historical events is very important, as the events of the past, help specially those entrusted with governance over their people, and all those who are governed, by understanding history, become aware of the past mistakes made, and many other aspects, which help them in their present situation.

However, there is a major difference in the historical episodes, that we believe, happen for a purpose, in OUR DEEN.

The historical events happen, as seen in the Battle of Badr event, but for those who are true seekers, there is ANWA'R in the AKHBAR, there is enlightenment, primarily because, we believe that, not this world but AKHERAT is our goal.

So reading of World History is different from that of our DEEN History. The historical events unfolding in our DEEN give us ANWA'R - NOT MERELY FACTS BUT ENLIGHTENMENT, so that our Ma'ad becomes more fast paced and easy. there is more spring in our activities, more joy in our hearts, and peace of mind as we journey along.

This post, written at the beginning of SEHRULLAH 1432 h is my humble tribute to the azeem karam and ehsaanats of my Aqa Moula (TUS) on Jamea talabats, who after imtehan held in Mumbai, received the mubarak 'tashreef' of his handwritten question.

I am not a 'talabat' of Jamea, but in the past many a times during my 'growing up years' I had wishfully thought of taking up some menial tasks, like khidmat in Jamea library, mawaid khidmat, managing the canteen etc: During a recent 'sabak' I came to know of this mubarak 'hadiyah' from Aqa Moula (TUS) I thought I should also do some taffakur on the question, and the result is this first post.

Hope this Sehrullah 1432 I may be able to write more such posts, showing that in OUR DEEN AKHBAR is not merely historical facts, but they are in truth ANWA'R.


Two Power Point Presentations have been uploaded on my home page Hope during Sehrullah you will find some time, to log on and reflect on the Presentations, and oblige me with your valued feed backs.